Daniel's father flew from L.A. for Mina's wedding reception yesterday.
This morning, Daniel hung out with his father for taking picture in botanical garden near here and they both liked to taking pictures.
For some unexpected reasons,
Mina didn't want her father to attend to her wedding reception.
Since the parents diverce,
Daniel's sister has some complex to her daddy.
In her mind, she thought she was abandoned by the father.
Now it may get better but he forgot to call her on the wedding day....
She just was upset about it and didn't answer any phone calls from him.
Anyways, she still invited him but suddenly she just changed her mind and asked him not to come.
It's was a very tough situation for the family...
Before I came, I thought ONLY Taiwanese family has the ISSUE...
but in western society, is the same.
As we Chinese always say:"Every Family has his own family issue.家家有本難念的經"
原來不只台灣有"龍捲風"(電視劇啦~), 美國也有"龍捲風"!!
- Jun 15 Fri 2007 11:58
【美國喬治亞州】Family Issue原來美國也有"龍捲風"